Monday, December 16, 2013

For Better, for Worse

It all begun with a smile…

Love established itself into our hearts,
Leisurely capturing the bottomless veiled yearning for companionship,
Replacing the ancient aches and pains,
Arousing sweet pleasures,
Causing us both to smile…

So effortless, so spontaneous,
Like magic,
Like a swift waft on a muggy summer morning,
Like the rain drops on the sands of Sahara,
Like, Like, Like nothing words can explicate…

The unexpected rush,
The coquettish giggles,
The candid naivety,
The understandable innocence,
The irreplaceable joy,
The unfathomable longing!

Our eyes close and our lips convene,
Our arms entangle around each other,
Our hearts communicate in a language only they understand, and
Our knees give in to the chills…

We squander hours murmuring those lines we share,
Hopeful that time will revere this serenity
We get closer, nervous to let any distance separate us
And listen to our song…

“you are my one more chance I never thought I’d find, you are the one romance I’ve always known in my mind, no one will ever love me more, I only hope that in return, I might have saved the best of me for you…”

The splendor of these lyrics brings water to our eyes, tears of love, tears of belonging, tears of peace, for finally we have found a warm comfortable home to lay our heads.

 Morrine Omolo

Sunday, August 4, 2013

thoughts on a bus: hey guys..this ones one of the new posts by my lov...

thoughts on a bus: hey guys..this ones one of the new posts by my lov...: hey guys..this ones one of the new posts by my loving talented sister.. For Better, for Worse It all begun with a smile… ...
hey guys..this ones one of the new posts by my loving talented sister..

For Better, for Worse

It all begun with a smile…

Love established itself into our hearts,
Leisurely capturing the bottomless veiled yearning for companionship,
Replacing the ancient aches and pains,
Arousing sweet pleasures,
Causing us both to smile…

So effortless, so spontaneous,
Like magic,
Like a swift waft on a muggy summer morning,
Like the rain drops on the sands of Sahara,
Like, Like, Like nothing words can explicate…

The unexpected rush,
The coquettish giggles,
The candid naivety,
The understandable innocence,
The irreplaceable joy,
The unfathomable longing!

Our eyes close and our lips convene,
Our arms entangle around each other,
Our hearts communicate in a language only they understand, and
Our knees give in to the chills…

We squander hours murmuring those lines we share,
Hopeful that time will revere this serenity
We get closer, nervous to let any distance separate us
And listen to our song…

you are my one more chance I never thought I’d find, you are the one romance I’ve always known in my mind, no one will ever love me more, I only hope that in return, I might have saved the best of me for you…

The splendor of these lyrics brings water to our eyes, tears of love, tears of belonging, tears of peace, for finally we have found a warm comfortable home to lay our heads.

By Morrine Omolo

Saturday, July 6, 2013



The emblem of success hovers over my head,

As does the square black graduation cap,

Both reckoning the last four years of hard work,

No sleep, a pocket empty and an overdrawn account!

Into the air go the cheers from the crowd,

Kith and Kin all gathered to share my joy,

Clapping and stamping, whistling and blowing horns,

Oh! What a perfect sunny day this is.

A drop of sweet slowly traces my left cheek,

Wetting my collar and cooling my head,

As I walk to, across and a way from the podium,

My name and my recorded greeting air at once!

I did it alright!

The sun goes down, the party ends and the guests leave,

My family retires to bed and I lay awake on the floor,

Tracing the lines on the ceiling, counting the boxes they made!

A silly smile escapes my lips, and I wonder…

Now what?!!!????

For a second this moment seems like a déjà vu,

I was a freshman then,

I had made it to college,

Now what?!!!!??

Why….. Isn’t life a funny circle!

“The more things change the more they stay the same”, They say.

By M. Omolo