Monday, March 30, 2015

All i want for my birthday PHARRELL WILLIAMS...
In a nice box with a pink bow ...#sigh
the tattoo...

Well, i'm sure my evident love for this fashion/music icon has bypassed the norms. Still, if somebody is awesome and a legend, we gotta love them. This guy not only makes orgasmic music, but he blows me away with his sense of style. No wander he won the fashion icon award which was bagged by RIHANNA year 2014. 

 Now i have never liked hats. But when Pharrell does one, i have little to say whatsoever. 

Take a look at some of his iconic fashion moments.

this ones a bit clumsy..he still makes it work

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The cold season is here

... or at least i think it is. So out go the tunk tops and in with the boots and the scarfs. I LOOVE cold weather!

Nothing accessories your look like a well tied scarf. It keeps you warm and, make you look fabulous.
 Take a look at my favorite many ways of tying that scarf. Don't forget to that me!

These were all obtained form PINTEREST so to catch all the latest trends visit and follow me on immyapiyo. 

 xo and stay fabulous.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

take me as i am...

i may not be miss perfect
i may not indulge in that lifestyle you love so

my hair may not fall down my back
in golden locks
and my eyes may be as the night..dark

my voice may not resemble an orchestra
and my laughter has often broken windows
i may walk with a limp and my attempted sway
may break everything in my way

my smile may not expose a set of whitened teeth
and my conversation skills better of damned to death

my small arms may not have enough room
to hold you when all around you is gloom

my feet may be too short
to run a marathon, hell, i was never good at sport

but, my heart, messed up it may be
has got all you need and more

when you found me..i was lost..confused
when you found me you promised a life of smiles..
you said my smile completed your world..gave you joy
you told me that i filled the gaps in your sentences and my ...
my fingers fit through yours perfectly
all along  i wondered how you could love me
i had become a person worthy of your love..i tried
i tried.i tried to be that angel..i tried to give
you that smile that lit up your world..but my heart
and my mind could not agree with me
my mind wanted you..but my heart wanted something else
i was torn apart
i was saddened
i was horrified at the thought of letting you go
but, if letting you go was the best gift i could offer you..then so be it.
though it would pain me so..though it would hurt more than anything.